Greetings my friends!
Any good reads, films or art to recommend from your summer soirees?? Please share with me!
I trust that the season has been good to you and you’ve gotten some time to be out and about. I recently had the very good fortune to see Hamilton live on stage in San Francisco and was not prepared for the genius of Lin Manuel Miranda! WOW.
Hamilton has been called an “unlikely” cultural phenomenon, but I have to disagree with the word “unlikely”. I think we’ve been waiting for Hamilton, the same way we always wait for our heroes and he’s arrived exactly on time. More on that later…
Speaking of HEROES, I want to mention my dear friend Toshonna Ross, the founder of the Courageous Women Association who every year puts on an Annual FREE Shopping, Pampering, and Community Outreach Day in Oakland which directly helps over 1,000 women and children who will be in attendance!
They are in need of volunteers and donations and this is a great time to give back to the Bay Area impoverished communities. If you are interested, please email them at for more information. The event happens in Oakland on Saturday, October 26, 2019.
Meanwhile, enjoy my new art work & let me know if I can interest you in a new piece for your place. I’m happy to hear from you and show you around my studio if you’d like to visit, so hit the reply button + say HELLO – it’s been awhile!
acrylic on canvas
16h x 12w / $300
Have you seen the Julian Schnabel film, “At Eternity’s Gate”? It’s an intense portrayal of artist, Vincent Van Gogh, gorgeously played by Willem DaFoe. It’s so visually beautiful that I found myself repeatedly thinking about the fields he walked through and the gorgeous color of the countryside captured on this film.
I work on trying to pick up more light in my work…I like where this one ended up.
Tennessee Valley, Marin County, California
acrylic + ink on canvas
20h x 16w / $425
When I first moved to California in the early 1980s, I used to spend time hiking on Mt. Tam and through the Tennessee Valley Trail always ending at the beautiful Pacific ocean. California offers endless inspiration. So happy to live here!
acrylic + ink on canvas
40h x 30w
This new, large abstract started with a base of dark purple paint followed by layers of white, pink and interference violet. The interference paint shows up as a lavender when placed on top of the dark purple and shifts color depending upon the light and angle you’re viewing from. Sometimes you’ll see a steel gray and then back to lavender…a very cool effect!
acrylic on canvas
14h x 11w / $225
These pink and lavender layers were followed by a white paint overlay + wipe. The final layer of bronze waves was added last. These small works are peaceful and have a quiet vibration to them.
acrylic + ink on canvas
14h x 11w / $225
This piece is a personal favorite. Can’t help but love these color combinations. Sometimes I see pools of blue water reflected in the background….other times I see a cityscape. It also, like many of my pieces, feels a bit Asian inspired. I don’t know why that happens, but I’m happy with these results!
acrylic + ink on canvas
14h x 11w / $225
You know those oh so sweet Grateful Dead marching bears? The pink one was always my favorite. And since we just celebrate Jerry’s birthday in August, a little tribute. I’ve spent so many a fun nights at the Warfield seeing the Jerry Band. Hope he’s having fun wherever he is!
There is SO MUCH good work all around us!! Please always support your local artists who are alive + creating for you right now. None of the dead ones need your money!
~ You can find me on Instagram at @MaryLonerganArt and on my website at Mary Lonergan Art.
Until then…
Peace + Love + Endless Summer to you and yours!
If you’d like to pick up a gift that your friends and family will love forever,
you can purchase directly from my website or you can contact me
at (415) 202-3588 to discuss a commissioned piece.MLA gift certificates are also available.